Monday, November 24, 2008


This Thanksgiving I am thankful for things that I have to admit that I have in the past taken for granted. I have been married to Cindy for 34 and one half years. We have literally grown up together, marrying at ages 19 and 17. We have four kids, ages 30, 23, 19 and 16 and two granddaughters, 4 years and 8 months. This past month we had a scare. The doctor found a tumor the size of a grapefruit on one of Cindy’s ovaries. After waiting for a couple of weeks for the surgery, the tumor and ovary were removed and it was found to be benign. For a period of time we were forced to think of the possibilities of what if the tumor was malignant? When you go to that possibility in your mind and then realize that it is going to be okay, a whole new wave of gratitude for what was previously taken for granted begins to kick in. This scare has helped me see my wife more for what she is—a gift from God!

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